Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Welcome to Biologizing

This spring I am teaching an upper-level Writing in Biology course in the Biology Dept. at UMASS, Amherst. I've set up this blog for student posts and my posts. It is my intention to get students to look around the web at popular sources of articles on biology, and to provide short descriptions/links to these articles. I hope to get my students used to exploring the world of science as a matter of daily, or at least weekly habit, to get them used to interacting with others on the web in a constructive manner, and to learn how to communicate something that they've learned in clear and concise writing.

Each week several students from the writing class will be selected to submit a post, but any student can submit as many posts as often as they like. In addition, each week several students will be selected to post comments on three recent blog entries. The commenting students will includes students from both the Wiriting in Biology and my Introductory Biology course.

Last semester I had my students in Animal Behavior posting at our Fixed Action Pattern Blog. Take a look at their entries for some fine examples of writing in this media.

This site is visible to the entire blogosphere and we welcome comments from folks outside of the course. I ask any one posting to keep a positive tone. Constructive critiques are welcome, however abuse or obscene language will not be tolerated.

Have fun here at the Biologizing blog.

Posted by PWH


At 4:41 PM, February 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting topic. You gave a nice broad overview of how dimethyl sulfurous is produced. I would like to know some more details, such as which bacteria are reasponsible for producing it? is it just one type or more then one? does this process take place only where there is dense plant life? Does the prouction of the chemical contribute to climate, other then cloud formation?


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