A cure for AIDS
Is there a cure for AIDS? I typed that question in Google trying to see what I would find. It is amazing how many articles I found, and how interesting they were. Supposedly in 2001 a cure for AIDS was found in South Africa. The news article states that an African medicinal plant Sutherlandia Frutescens could hold the key for treatment of people with AIDS and HIV. However the doctors who are using this plant precised that they did not guarantee that the plant would cure AIDS, but that the people who have Gambia taken it and having a very good diet have shown an improvement in their lives quality. Patients picked up weight, and live longer that they were suppose to. It says in the article that the medical research council was going to make some test. but it is been almost six years and obviously we haven't heard anything. Wonder what happen to the people who announced that they discovered that plant. They also said that this plant could cure cancer too and that ii has been proven many times.
I also saw on television this morning that the president of Gambia in Africa claimed on January 19 that he could cure AIDS. How far people are willing to go? I wish it could really be a cure somewhere. Everybody is looking for an answer for AIDS.
A doctor in Nigeria announced to the world in 2000 that he had a cure for aids. But what has he become? After my research I noticed that more that 80 percent of the AIDS’ cure claims came out of Africa. I am from Africa and it is funny how even when I was younger I heard a lot of stories like those, and it still continues. One funny story that I read was that some people, also in Africa believed that having sex with a Virgin would actually cure AIDS.
The amount of stories and claims that I found is ridiculous. People should be more reasonable and stop claiming false things. Even if one of those stories were right people would not believe because of the number of false stories that have been told.
Posted by LYRS
"A cure for AIDS" was an intersting article. The fact that the plant Sutherlandia may hold the key treatment for AIDS is exciting to know. Now we will be able to save more lives and AIDS will no longer be the number one killer in the world. The majority of Claims that have been made for finding a cure for cancer have been false. Scientits should claim if they have a cure for cancer after research experiments.
Coming from Africa too all these stories are exact stuffs that have enact in the African Nations. Growing up in Africa there were a lot of stories about AIDS, people won't want to use condoms that its like eating candy wrapped in a plastic bag. We still have a long way to go to really convinced some of our fellow Africans that AIDS really exist cause some of them still believe it doesn't exist and they are always false claims every where in Africa that the cure for AIDS have been discovered.
This article is very interesting and brings up a very good point. I had no idea that people in Africa were claiming to have found cures for AIDS and cancer; only to never hear anything from them again. If this plant that you have found out about actually exists, and does exactly what it has been said to do; then one would hope that it is being used. And, maybe one day, will be available to more people and better known. I think this was a great article!
Hi, i know these comments go through the teacher. I put the last comment as anonymous; I do not know if I was supposed to though because I do not see how you would know I made it. My name is Neda Talebzadeh, just incase I sent the blog the wrong way!
I thought that your article was very interesting. I totally argee with how people have weird stories about how to go about curing AIDS like sleeping with a virgin. I don't think that they understand the concept of sleeping with other people will spread the diease more, especially if they have AIDS. I am hoping that they find the cure for AIDS soon. It's such a huge epidemic which needs to be resolved soon.
I thought that your article was very interesting. I totally argee with how people have weird stories about how to go about curing AIDS like sleeping with a virgin. I don't think that they understand the concept of sleeping with other people will spread the diease more, especially if they have AIDS. I am hoping that they find the cure for AIDS soon. It's such a huge epidemic which needs to be resolved soon.
It is very interesting to know that many people have claimed to find a cure for AIDs, using some plant, or at least a good treatment for the disease. However, its no coincidence that they have not come forward with their progress after 6 years on the plant's effects on AIDs. And then there are others who have claimed to have found a cure for AIDs but has not come forward with evidence. Plus the many false stories of ways to cure AIDS, such as having sex with a virgin, does not help the nation of Africa find a real cure for the disease.
This article was very interesting to read. The links and the style of writing made it easy to read. Just this morning i watched a movie about the AIDS epidemic in Africa and to see how little people actually know about it in comparison to the amount of people who actually have AIDS or HIV is astounding. I would like to know what kinds of studies are being done at the moment in order to find a cure or to at least help the quality of life people with this virus have. It seems as though many more studies than presented to the average person should be being done considering the extent of the epidemic and its devastating effects.
I too found this article to be very interesting. I think it is ridiculous that so many people claim to have found a cure for aids. It is pretty obvious that if a true cure were found we would know about it. Until we find a real one, I think that providing knowledge about the disease is the best we can do to help stop its spread.
I agree with you. I think that people should not claim things until they are not sure. But also, I think that they are claiming things because they want to find a cure for AIDS any way possible. I know that having sex with a Virgin will not do the trick, but I think that people wanting to find a cure for AIDS will go the extra mile and try anything and everything that they think is going to cure it. I know that if I had someone I knew with AIDS and they meant a lot to me, I would probably go the extra mile to have them cure. Wouldn’t you?
Knowing that there is a cure for AIDS out there from a plant in Sutherlandia gives us hope that one day they will find an actual cure. Since, they know that this plant is a cure shouldn't they have experiments to test out if it is an actual cure, but if false stories are going around people will stop believing the stories and when there is a actual cure no one would belive it. Scientist should have tested these so called "cures" for AIDS first before they acually say they have found one.
Is there a cure for AIDS? I don't believe there is although I hope that I am wrong. If there was a cure for AIDS, one of the world's top killing diseases, it would be such a discovery that everyone would know about it and it would be all over headlines. Also, I wonder how they come up with such bizarre myths such as curing AIDS if you sleep with a virgin. If someone has tried it, it obviously did not work. And are cancer and AIDS related at all? If they're not, I don't see how one plant can cure two very distinct diseases then. That would be the discovery of the millenium! The author said that over 80 percent of claims for the cure for AIDS came from Africa, but if I'm not wrong, AIDS did come from Africa. I believe that in many situations, the solution would come from its origination. I do hope they find a cure for AIDS soon! Many people are waiting as their lives are fading.
Anna Lei
I find it interesting how most of these "cure for AIDS" claims come from Africa, being that Africa has one of the largest populations of people dying from the disease. I seriously believe these disclaimers are playing with the emotions of these people and giving them false hopes. I am not trying to say that there will never be a cure for AIDS, I am saying that a researcher should do their research and tests first before they make these claims public.
If I had a relative or knew someone living with the disease, the last thing I would want to see is them stop taking their prescribed medicines and dying in pain because a person down the street claimed that a plant can cure their disease and misery. If a cure for AIDS was easy as ingesting a plant, industrial nations would not have as many AIDS victims as they do now. I am only mentioning industrial nations because there is a bias towards third world countries when it comes to fighting disease.
Besides that, I believe your article was extremely informative and appealing.
If one were to say they found a cure for AIDS or cancer, you would think that more research would be put into that cure. However, it seems to me that a cure is a useful political tool. World leaders are claiming to find such solutions. Could proclaiming that they have a cure just be a way to promote themselves? I think people would put a lot of faith in someone that has a cure. If this is true, it is sad that such serious things as AIDS and cancer are being used help one get ahead in life. If all these people with potential cures could come together, then maybe a cure could come out of this. But to do so, humanity's selfishness must be put aside.
I thought this to be a very interesting topic. The title, "A cure for AIDs" really caught my attention and immediately interested me. I thought it was well written, but maybe could be split up into more than one paragraph. Relating to the topic of medicines that cure, I once read an article that said many scientists have developed medicines that "cure" different diseases, but drug companies buy out the rights for these drugs. They do this because they can make more money selling drugs that help a disease, than ones that get rid of it.
“A Cure For AIDS” was a very interesting read. I found it very interesting that a plant might hold the key to a cure for AIDS and cancer. However, I am curious as to what current studies are going on? And how are they actually testing this? Furthermore, how com we haven’t heard more about this magical AIDS and Cancer curing plant? If this plant really can cure AIDS, Where is it?
Again, I want to reiterate that this article was very interesting. However, I think there are some spelling and grammatical errors that detract from the reading. It might just be the way I read and interpreted the following sentence, but for me it was very difficult to read and then comprehend. “That the people who have Gambia taken it and having a very good diet have shown an improvement in their lives quality.” There were also a few minor spelling errors or typos.
Overall, I think this was a good blog. It provided new information about a possible cure for AIDS. Cancer and AIDS are of great interest to me, so this article was right down my ally. I really enjoyed it, and, with few exceptions, it was very well done.
I wouldn't be surprised at all to find the cure for AIDS or cancer to lie in a plant or herb. I think I've read drugs are the most profitable industry in America- drug companies would miss out on BILLIONS of dollars if an herbal cure was ever found. When it comes down to it, everything really is about money and "AIDS" is a good reminder.
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