Friday, March 30, 2007

Global Warming

Global warming is a very serious issue that environmentalists have been worrying about for many years. Global warming is the increase of the Earth’s air and ocean temperature in the recent years and the projected continuation. On average global warming isn’t in the front of people’s mind. At least for me I know I wasn’t really thinking about the damage of global warming until I watched the Documentary, An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore.

Global warming is also called the Greenhouse Effect. As the sunlight travels through the Earth’s atmosphere as touches the surface it is radiated back off and is trapped with the carbon dioxide of the Earth’s atmosphere. As we know the growth in the human population and the increase in the industrial world has lead to pollution changing the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. This change is keeping more of the sunlight in the atmosphere heating up the earth. One of the affects of global warming is the noticeable changes in weather. Increasing temperature affects the severity of hurricanes and that is the reason that Hurricane Katrina caused a lot of damage to New Orleans. On the other hand while wild storms are being created droughts are still occurring.

A major problem of global warming is the affect it has on the animals. The slightest change in temperature can drastically change the animal’s habits. Polar bears are in danger with the melting ice caps. Polar bears need cold, ice water to survive as the ice decreases they are losing their habitat and sources for food. Another example in the ocean is algae. Algae are food for many fish, but the increase in temperature kills the algae taking the fish’s food source away.

Environmentalists are trying to solve the problems of global warming. Actions are being taken within the government and also national level. The government passed The Clean Air Act which attacks companies to change their ways to lessen the amount of pollution. This act has made car companies change some of their products inside the car so it doesn’t give off as much pollution. We can change some of habits to help save the planet. Some things that will help are very simple such as turning off electronic devices when they are not being used. We should also unplug electronics when there not is use such as hair dryers. If you know many people going to the same place they should carpool.

After knowing all the facts and that there are little things that can be done to help I hope people will do these to help save the planet from the future.

Posted by: barkley519


At 5:07 PM, March 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to completely agree with Gore and this article. I believe Global Warming exists although it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint whether certain things are changing because of Global Warming or because of natural cycles that occur on earth. For example, we do sometimes have severe weather that causes so much damage, but it's not the first time they have happened so it's hard to say it's because of Global Warming. What I am really worried about is Super Volcanos and one exists right here in the USA in Yellow Stone.

At 11:10 AM, March 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Global warming is a current issue that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Yet at the same time it seems like not many people are making an effort to work on this problem that is rapidly gettign worse.
I like that you first define what global warming is, what the affects of it have been, and what is currently being done/what can be done to improve upon the situation. Maybe more information on what can be done, along with the devestating consequences,(blatantly stated) are needed.
While the raw information you supply is good, the way in which some of the ideas are presented seem choppy and disconnected, espcially in the last paragraph about what can be done. There are also some grammatical errors that can be fixed by a quick proof reading. Other then those complaints I found your artical informative. Good Job!

At 11:59 AM, March 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post brings about the question of social responsibility, something that our country seems to lack on several different levels. Personally, I feel that it is my responsibility to ensure a beautiful world for my children and future generations. However, it seems that the American mentality is to wait until things are directly affecting our comfortable lives in a negative way, before we make a change. Personally I call that laziness and cowardliness and I feel that just because we cannot feel the immediate effects of global warming, it is evident that it is impacting our world through the noticeable changes in weather, hurricanes and droughts. If people could take the time to make small changes in their lifestyles and reduce their ecological footprint on this earth, maybe we could try and prevent the disasters that await us.

At 9:08 PM, March 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm utterly disturbed by what is happenening to the polar bears, but I guess that it is just common sense. I wish there was more we could do but there is nothing else. I liked reading your article and I am now interested in seeing the documentary by Al Gore and learning a little more about Global Warming.

At 3:49 PM, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting topic to blog about. Global warming is a serious issue that the world needs to take action against. I think one of the largest problems of Global warming right now is getting individuals, governments and nations to acknowledge the problem. Global warming is already causing a lot of problems and will cause more if the production of carbon dioxide is not reduced. America has taken some actions to stop Global warming but what about the rest of the world. There are many industrial countries that are part of the problem of global warming.

At 4:45 PM, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Overall this article on global warming is very interesting and true. Throughout the reading I came across a couple of places that could be improved; mainly the sentence structure for a better understanding. Global warming, undoubtedly, is one of the most prevalent issues for today’s society and it is only going to escalate. I have a passion for nature and the evolution that ties all living things together, and for me global warming really is scary. Is it going to wipe out everything? I think America and as many affluent countries as possible should continue to put their goals towards global warming.

At 6:36 PM, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this blog is very interesting in the fact that is affecting everyone's lives right now. I kind of would have liked the blog to have concentrated on one particular thing, like when you talking about how it affected animals. But it was nice to see all the ways global warming is affecting the earth. I think more people need to be more informed about this subject.

At 7:08 PM, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember learning about global warming in elementary school when we had to read Time for Kids magazines. I wish more people paid attention to it when the idea first came out. We can clearly see with the weather effects now. Especially since we've gotten barely any snow this winter. I read that for January, it was 19 inches below the month's average!I know the amount of snow differs each year but I've never seen a winter like that.

At 10:04 PM, April 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know global warming is a very serious problem. But, as you say, I also do not understand the seriousness very well. Global warming continues to affect many things and give damage to the earth. We have some easier things we can do in order to prevent this damage. We should take this problem more seriously and have to make an effort to solve this problem. This topic was very useful and gave warning to us.

At 9:07 AM, April 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked this article because up until now I haven't been aware of what "global warming" really is. I always kind of assumed it was some notion that was only a myth rather than reality. However, this article really gives the raw material as to what it is and the affects of it. I would like to research the topic a little more and become knowledgable with all the details. Good blog, it really sparked my interest on the topic.

At 9:27 AM, April 26, 2007, Blogger PWH said...

Wouldn't it be something if individual initiative, one person at a time taking responsibility for their actions re: global warming, made a real difference? I watched the Gore documentary and was enraged at the lack of global response to this problem.

It makes you wonder if the humans who occuply this world will undo in several thousand years what took over 4 billion years to evolve?

Wouldn't it be a hoot, after all is said and done, that a million years from now when extra terrestrials do visit the charred remnants of planet Earth they sift through our relics and determine that a human named Ralph Nader was a prophet ignored in his own time?

Whimsical but frightening at the same time, no?

Catherine S
Course Participant


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