Week of Silence: Malaria

The mosquito is the only insect capable of carrying the human malaria parasite, known as plasmodia. After penetrating the skin with her syringe-like mouth through a thin layer of fat and into the capillaries, the infected female mosquito of the genus Anopheles begins to drink the blood. To prevent the blood from coagulating, she oils the affected area with her saliva. At this point in her feeding, tiny malaria worms that she carries in her salivary glands are sprayed into the victim’s bloodstream. About 50,000 are inserted, but it only takes one to kill a child.
Malaria is prevalent in over 106 countries and affects just over half the world’s population. The disease itself has grown resistance to drugs and its most potent strain, Plasmodium falciparum, can’t be controlled. Of the half billion people who are affected by it, one million die, most of them being just under five years of age from Sub-Sahara Africa.
Malaria is prevalent in over 106 countries and affects just over half the world’s population. The disease itself has grown resistance to drugs and its most potent strain, Plasmodium falciparum, can’t be controlled. Of the half billion people who are affected by it, one million die, most of them being just under five years of age from Sub-Sahara Africa.
From the mosquito’s salivary glands to the victim’s circulatory system, the parasite travels to the liver where malaria makes itself comfortable and begins to digest the liver cells immediately. While the parasite eats and multiplies, the victim shows no symptoms and feels no change in his or her body for roughly a week. During this week of silence, each falciparum has multiplied itself 40,000 times. After being digested through and through, the liver cells explode and the parasites are let into the bloodstream entering each red blood cell devouring and proliferating.
In this second week, the body starts to feel ambushed. The victim’s temperature begins to rise in order to cook away the parasite and shivers in order to produce more heat. It is then followed by drenching sweats in order to cool the victim back down. While the victim goes through this agonizing cycle, there are billions of parasites in the blood, continuing to multiply. Meanwhile, the infected cells pass through the capillaries of the brain and latch on so as to not pass through the spleen, whose job is to clean blood by destroying tainted cells. At this point the brain starts to swell; this is known as cerebral malaria.
Scientists around the world have been desperately trying to find new drugs to stop the malaria parasite and prevent the disease from spreading. Malaria is spread so widely in Africa, it is very difficult to control, even with all the international funding and private donations. There has been an anti-malaria gene located in sickle-cell anemia patients demonstrating that those with HbC are less likely to become sick with malaria compared to normal HbA people. However, this mutation is not more prevalent in Africa because the negative effects of sickle cell anemia outweigh the resistance to malaria.
When the body starts to break down physically, the parasites have destroyed so many oxygen-carrying red cells that too few are left to sustain vital functions. The lungs fight for breath, and the heart struggles to pump. The blood acidifies and many brain cells die.
Sickle-cell anemia is the result of a faulty hemoglobin molecule. Hemoglobin molecules of homozygotes behave abnormally after releasing their oxygen. Instead of remaining soluble in the cytoplasm, they combine to form long fibers that deform the red blood cell from a normal biconcave disk to a sickle shape.
The deformed cells clog the small blood vessels, reducing oxygen flow to the tissues and giving rise to muscle cramps, shortness of breath and fatigue. The sickle cells are also very fragile and easily broken. Homozygotes are resistant to malaria because when the parasites try multiplying in the cell, the sickle cell breaks down before the malaria parasite can proliferate.
In areas where malaria is endemic, heterozygotes are better able to survive and pass on their genes than are either type of homozygote. Homozygotes sickle cell individuals often die of sickle cell disease while those who are normal homozygotes often die of malaria. Heterozygotes are relatively immune to both conditions. Understanding how the gene prevents severe malaria could lead to the development of protective drugs.
Posted by Sarah Bello (1)
It is extremely sad to know that this disease is only affecting poorer parts of the world, and is killing so many helpless children. Do you know if researchers have tested the effectiveness of using insecticides on treating affecting areas?
(Jane de Verges)
This was a really well written blog post. I think the topic is really interesting, and your underlying helped to stress the really important factors. I think the most important factor is the trade off between sickle cell anemia and malaria I heard about before during a Genetics class with Zane. It really shows how evolution is naturally working to fight diseases, even though it is way too slow. I hope that gene they found in the sickle cells finds a cure!
Alyssa Terestre (3)
This is so sad to hear about. I didn't know that it affected so many people! Why does it only take one parasite to kill a child? Is it the same with elderly? Would common bugspray be a good way to prevent this disease? How long do the symptoms last (you mentioned it was a cycle), and do they ever come back (if so,how often)? Good topic to write about! Interesting!
-Alyson Paige
That sounds awful and the worst part is that you dont know you have it because of the "week of silence". The fact that there is a anti-maleria gene located in "sickle cells" and provides significant protection against maleria UNLESS you carry two copies of this mutant gene then you will have a lethal disease called Sickle cell anemia, these people rarely live til 20 thats discouraging.
posted: Samantha DeBiasio
Plasmodium falciparum, the protozoan parasite that causes malaria is also apparently prevalent in Cambodia and Thailand. Concerns have increased mainly because along the Cambodian and Thailand border the parasite has become resistant to the drugs they have been using. It would be interesting to see if individuals in these areas also have a high incedence of sickle cell anemia similar to those found in parts of Africa where malaria is prevalent.
-Julio Rodriguez
Wow, very interesting blog. I did not know how malaria attacked the entire body like that, and i didn't know that sickle cells have an anti-malaria gene. I had a friend who had malaria once, and he was hospitalized for two weeks. I wonder why malaria is prevalent in some areas of the world and not others.
-Alex Pavidapha
I really liked the way you wrote this blog post - really easy to follow and so interesting! How the infected cells that go to the brain able to bypass the spleen? I have heard that people with sickle-cell have immunity to the disease, but i never knew that the mutation wasn't more prevalent because the disease has a high mortality rate, as well. I was wondering if that has to do with age. Could it be possible that adults with the mutation have a better chance of survival than children who have it, but also get malaria while they are still young? This could perhaps account for the fact that the gene is not prevalent because the mutation has little chance of being passed on.
Posted by Maura Mulvey
Very interesting and well wrote. Have there been any cases of malaria recently in the united states? It's strange how little we here about these infectious diseases that kill millions just because they don't effect our culture. I wonder how fast we might find a way to cure and diagnose this earlier if more 1st world nations were affected.
-Nick Cline
According the World Health Organization,(link featured above to a pdf file)a single abnormal gene can grant protection against malaria while two abnormal genes leads to sickle-cell anemia and no resistance to malaria at all! I'm not sure if they mean that a heterozygous carrier is given resistance or if they mean that only those who suffer from HbC are, but it might be a possible idea for clarification.
All in all, excellent article selection, as this is a pressing matter that needs the attention of bright minds everywhere, especially since there could be a correlation between the mechanics of sickle-cell anemia and resistance to other pathogens.
Nice article -
does it make mention anything as to why the disease is developing resistance to treatments? Is it similar to other instances where it is due to patients not following the treatments strictly enough?
(Nicholas Skvir 21798087)
I think the link in your article was very well placed. As soon as I saw the fact that half the world's population was affected by malaria, I thought you must have made a typo... but the proof was just a click away. If half a billion people are affected by Plasmodium falciparum, that means one in thirteen people are in serious trouble. I've heard that mosquito nets are a cheap way to prevent malaria. It might be cool to find out if they are truly effective. Sometimes the simplest things can go a long way.
(Calin Darabus)
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