Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that modulates and affects the function of various parts of the brain and body. It has been linked to the mechanisms involved in movement, cognition, pleasure, motivation, and learning. The importance of dopamine was revealed by stem cell research, neuroscience, but especially by Michael J. Foxx’s affliction with Parkinson’s, a neurodegenerative disorder caused by insufficient dopamine in the brain. In Erik M Jorgenson’s Dopamine: should I stay or should I go now?, he summarizes the findings made by Daniel Chase on dopamine signaling.
Research has demonstrated that dopamine signaling can act synergistically as well as antagonistically in vertebrates. Chase and colleagues wanted to verify this in the roundworm, Caenorhabitids Elegans as well as find the downstream components involved in the signaling pathway of the receptors. C. Elegans is a transparent nematode with every neuron known and mapped out. This makes C. Elegans good model for neurological experiments. There are three dopamine receptors, dop-1, dop-3, and dop-4 involved in locomotion behavior of these worms. Dop-1 reacts to dopamine by giving the green light for the worms to go while dop-3 tells the worm to stop. Worms with their dop-1 gene knocked out did not have any observable change in phenotype, but worms that had their dop-3 gene knocked out did not slow down when encountering food and were very resistant to paralysis by too much dopamine. When worms had both dop-1 and dop-3 knocked out, they did respond to food by slowing down and were paralyzed by excess dopamine indicating that another dopamine receptor, dop-4, contributed to locomotion behavior. These similar effects on the worm may be caused by both dop-1 and dop-3 acting on the same signaling pathway not by each receptor having its own pathway. The researchers wanted to know more about the signaling pathway and screened the worms for mutants to identify the downstream components. They found that “dopamine would bind D1-like DOP-1 receptors and activate G q, and also bind D2-like DOP-3 receptors, which would antagonize D1 function through activation of G o.” (Jorgenson)
These findings by Chase take us a step closer to understanding dopamine receptors and their role in regulating motor neurons. Jorgensen’s says, “Dopamine’s antagonistic effects on the same cells can provide the cell with more sensitive regulation.” Hopefully with further research, we might be able to find ways to gain access to the system and regulate dopamine and dopamine receptors with drugs and treatments for disorders involving dopamine.
Dan Chase is a recent addition to the faculty in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience departments.
Q: Why is it that by using C. elegans we can compare what happens to that species and then make connections to our own?
A: It is believed that the basic mechanisms are highly conserved so that the signaling pathway will be the same or similar to that in humans or at least give insight and understanding of dopamine receptors. Like how the study of a squid neuron led to discoveries about how neurons work in general or the DNA helix is generally the same throughout species, but what changes are perhaps length, specialization, and coding.
Q: What else is going on in his lab and what he plans on doing with the results?
A: Currently there are four undergraduates, a research assistant, and 2 graduate students, each with a project. I am looking further into the signaling pathway of dop-3 while others are also expanding on his research in the paper as well as other dopamine signaling projects.
It seemed like the way you described it was very simple. Why is it that by using C. elegans we can compare what happens to that species and then make connections to our own. I think that since humans are much more complex than nematodes, we can't make a valid connection and say that this also occurs in humans. Although I don't know as much, it seems only reasonable to assume that. There must be many more factors in humans that affect movement and cognition. For example, our central nervous system, our more integrated network of neurons and maybe other neurotransmitters at work acting to inhibit or excite.
I like the organization of your essay and the overall discussion on the topic you chose. Dopamine is indeed very important, a "reward chemical for the brain". Not long ago I read an article about the effect of drugs on dopamine's receptors. I found out that drugs such as cocaine bind to dopamine receptors, which in fact increase the concentration of dopamine in "that" area of the brain, and eventually leads to some sort of pleasure. Caffeine (our daily drug) is also considered to increase the levels of dopamine in our brain, and is believed by scientists that higher concentration of dopamine is the explanation for "can't quit coffee" .
I thought your submission was well organized and easy to follow, although it wasnt as funny as others have been I found the topic to be extremely interesting. Dopamine is becoming a very high-profile neurotreansmitter. As a psychology student, I am aware of dopamine's role in Parkinson's, but it was enlightening to find out how this acctually works and how scientists are using models to discover more. Dopamine also plays a part in attention and concentration as well as in emotions such as rewarding feeling of euphoria, reinforcing things that make us feel good.
I thought that the overall read was very interesting. Being a Michael J. Foxx fan as a child, I saw him before his development of Parkinson’s’ disease. I have seen interviews of M.J.F. recently and saw that his stature is crippled by the degenerative disease. The work done by Daniel Chase which you described is impressive. It is interesting to find that the dopamine relation between humans and such tiny organisms in comparison are such alike. I think that Daniel Chase’s research has great potential and this could spark like research for other neurotransmitters. I am intrigued to hear more detail of his findings to grasp what he plans on doing with the results.
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The way you explained it was very straight forward. Maybe a little more explanation is needed though. Hopefully we'll see even more research on neurotransmitters. It was interesting to see that the ones in worms are similar to ones in humans.
You explained everything in a straight fowarda and clearly which made the piece easy to read. Are these findings expected to have any direct connections to human dopamine fucntion, or are they much to simplistic to be compared to human brain function? How many genes does this nematode and human's have in common? are we more genetically similar then one would expect?
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