Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Current Bio-Medical Theory: How Can It Help?

"Bacteria and parasites cannot cause disease processes unless they find their own peculiar morbid soil in which to grow and multiply". That being said, it would seem to be of crucial importance to maintain a state opposite morbid as no parasite or bacteria could survive in such an environment! A healthy state would certainly be opposite that of a morbid one. However, I don’t feel “healthy” truly describes the state we’re looking for. “Balanced” is a state recognized globally by many cultures and can be defined in several terms. However, regardless of the terms by which it can be defined, “balanced”, in all cultures, is recognized as a state where bacteria, parasites, and ultimately disease absolutely cannot exist. That being said, it’s clear what we must do in order to never get sick again. How does the current biomedical theory help us accomplish this? Well, it really can’t.

Today, almost all human food is processed or preserved. Nearly all contains unnatural chemicals like aspartame. Even our drinking water is chemically treated. The above partnered with all the negative electromagnetic pollution we are bombarded with by cell phones, computers, TV’s, etc. all ultimately forces the body out of balance, effectively weakening our immune system and making us susceptible to disease. Then, when we do finally get sick, we take a drug to treat the symptoms. The current bio - medical theory focuses on this step and today, drug treatment is the main method of treatment for disease. In terms of the current bio - medical theory, this is about as fundamental as it gets. I don’t understand it? It is a fact that drugs don’t cure anything. The body cures itself! It is a fact that when the body is balanced, overall body pH is alkaline. Cancer and virtually all disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Furthermore, one hundred percent of those with cancer have an acidic body pH. Even more shocking is what happens to those cancer patients who bring their bodies back into balance - their symptoms disappear! They effectively cure cancer. On a global level, the current bio-medical theory is not a very popular one. Such unpopularity is not due to lack of legitimacy. It’s simply because for thousands of years most cultures have been focusing on the “balanced” state I have been talking about.

In many cultures, herbologists use herbs to bring the body back into balance. Acupuncture is also an effective means for detoxifying the body and helping it back into balance. Drugs merely treat a symptom. Essentially, drugs miss the big picture; the current bio medical theory misses the big picture. Do I think the current theory should be abandoned? Of course not, however, if I could change it or add something, I would love to see it focus more on prevention and less on treatment.



Hi, I'm going to stand by what I said... I heard this guy Kevin Trudeau talking about cancer and alkalinity in the body and I thought it was total bologna.... i did a lot of research and found that specifically was actually true.... cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Shoot a gamma ray through someone (regardless of pH) and, sure, it'll cause all kinds of mutations, but in an alkaline environment, cancer won't persist (or so I've read).

JMcneil, as health professionals, maybe we can start prescribing a new pill, to be taken 3-4 times a day, every day.... we would call it AHD (A Healthy Diet). I don't think heath professionals stress it enough. With todays foods, people need to be more educated about the serious consequences of an unhealthy diet (stressing, we're not just talking about getting fat)


At 10:22 AM, May 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, the talk of radiation from tv and such is scary! This is a good blog. I agree that the focus should be more on prevention. Drugs do not cure anything they basically just block out the symptoms.
I am skeptical though when you say that cancer can be cured simply by putting the body back into balance. If this is true, it must be harder than we think to put the body back into balance, otherwise there would not be so many deaths due to cancer.

Posted by KMellman

At 2:19 PM, May 15, 2007, Blogger PWH said...

I honestly enjoyed this blog. However, I would like to know more about the current bio-medical theories. I would also like to know more about medical alternatives, that might help to bring "balance" back to the body.
I am a little bit skeptical of some alternative medicines. Even when the body is in "balance" disease and illness, such as cancer, can also occur. One of the leading causes of cancer is old age. With years of possibly uncorrected minor DNA mutations, which with time pile up to help cause cancer, a "balanced" body may not be able to cure or stop cancer from occuring.
I do, however, agree that a "balanced" healthful lifestyle will help reduce illness and sickness world-wide. And in this department, modern medicine, including the bio-medical theory, falls short. I also agree that current medicine only treats the symptoms and not the patient as a whole, which only exacerbates the situation. My final question is... How do we as patients, and some for some of us, future medical professionals, change this philosophy to better treat the patient as a whole, and create a more "balanced" health care system?


At 10:07 AM, November 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.


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