Monday, April 13, 2009

Some Fat is Good Fat

There is a special kind of fat that rather than storing calories it burns it. It has been known for sometime that babies, young children and small mammals have brown adipose tissue called brown fat. Brown fat burns calories to help stay warm in colder temperatures. Throughout the years scientist have been skeptical that adults retain a significant amount of brown fat. However, according to three studies that were recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, adults probably do have brown fat.

Brown fat could be important in the development of all the new diet and obesity drugs in the future. Drugs could be developed that fire up brown fat activity and help people burn calories faster. Early studies suggest that brown fat plays an important role in whether we burn or store the food we eat. Scientist knew about brown fat for decades, but where unable to locate it on adults. However, newer technology in nuclear medicine found tissue that look like fat, but had high metabolic activity. It was in fact brown fat.

People with brown fat tend to been very different than people who don’t have brown fat. They found people who were younger and leaner were more likely to have brown fat, and older people, the obese, and people taking heart drugs called beta blockers, were less likely to have brown fat. They found people who were lean had more brown fat that was more active, and people who were overweight had less brown fat and it was less active. Also, tests that were run in the winter had the most brown fat, while test done in the summer had the least brown fat. Test done in the fall and spring had intermediate amounts of brown fat.

Alex Pavidapha Group C


Brown fat is an actual fat. Infants have more brown fat than adults. Brown fat has a lot of capillaries. Brown fat also mitochondria, which is used to produce engery, and is the reason why brown fat is brown. Brown fat in infants is located on the back, along the spine and shoulders. In adults they have found brown fat right above the collar bone and neck. Research in using brown fat as a weight loss treatment is still in the works. But they have been able to stimulate brown fat growth in mice.


At 9:00 PM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i herad something like this in nutrition it was something like children have a certain number of fat cells and when you overweight as a child you have more and once you reach adulthood you cant loose the amount of of fat cells you have. I'm not sure if this is similar fat or not but its deffinately interesting.

Samantha DeBiasio

At 9:21 PM, April 15, 2009, Blogger PWH said...

It's probably strange for people in today's society to think that some fat is good!It's also going to be weird for people to hear that certain diet and obesity drugs will promote this "brown fat" activity. Thank goodness for new technology!

Crystal Cabral

At 9:23 PM, April 15, 2009, Blogger PWH said...

Interesting, assuming the name corresponds to its color, why would the fat be brown? Would this explain why some people will often gain little or no weight no matter their diet and others will no matter their diet - or is it more of a metabolic process?

[Nathan Beck, Group A]

At 10:08 PM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm always skeptical of diet drugs, because they often do more harm than good. Would drugs developed to stimulate brown fat activity be a totally new kind of drug? It seems they wouldn't work for everyone since not everyone has the same amount of brown fat.

Jane de Verges

At 10:21 PM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to comment on this article because my mom worked for the New England Journal of Medicine. Good source! How do they think one acquires brown fat? Is it something you a born with that you must maintain or is it from eating certain foods or something?

Emily Bell

At 10:41 PM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was very interesting. I have always wondered if all of the fat on your body provides both aspects, but this taught me different fats have different actions in the body. I wonder if a drug could be made to make brown fat more active in the summer months.

Emily Ayotte

At 11:04 PM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. I've heard about "baby fat" that you are born with and have until you start getting older and it slowly disappears. Does this mean brown fat is what keeps thinner adults thin? Is brown fat connected to why some people simply do not put on any weight? Very Interesting. I would like to look up more information on this subject for my own curiosity.

Shonneau Lippett

At 11:44 PM, April 15, 2009, Blogger PWH said...


This is a very interesting blog. To my recollection, fat is the accumulation of stored energy. You state that “brown fat” is a special kind of fat that rather than storing calories it burns it. So, is this metabolic tissue really considered fat?

Saad Choudhry

At 11:14 AM, April 16, 2009, Blogger PWH said...

WoW... i hope i have alot of brown blood. Did you find any information on whether adipose tissue could become brown fat is an obese person lost weight? or is the process irreversiable.

Rachael carlevale


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