Monday, April 20, 2009

Alcohol & Age-Preception

a man contemplating a drink of alcohol
The University of Leicester has led a recent study that shows consuming alcohol does not affect how men judge a woman's age. The research was performed in bars and cafes. 240 people were interviewed to rate attractiveness of underage and mature females. The females that were to be judged by the surveying people were shown electronically. The females were with and without makeup. "The study found attractiveness ratings of minors were not affected by alcohol or make-up compared to mature faces." Both surveyed men and women found immature faces (minor) more attractive. And makeup influenced attractiveness level when surveyees had consumed alcohol.

Previous research has showed males usually view young females as older than they really are. But found with this new study: even with large amounts of alcohol, this does not lead men to think these younger females are even older. This is legally important because alcohol is said to be the cause of impairing judgement in cases of unlawful sex with a minor. This study prove this to be untrue. Because of this study, many offenders may not be allowed to use alcohol as an excuse of unlawful sex with a minor. 

Personal Opinion:

Although this article is very interesting, I do not feel that surveying 240 people is accurate enough.  Another important fact to remember is that the judged females were shown electronically. That could be another reason for the results obtained. I also feel that everyone judges differently. Also, alcohol effects people in different ways. With this being said, how accurate is surveying 240 people, analyzing results, and applying a conclusion to the whole population of people. I feel there may be many other factors that need to be considered.

Something to think about.


To answer some questions, yes people have tried to use alcohol in court as an excuse for sexual incidents with a minor. The immature and mature faces were overall seen as more attractive than without makeup to those that had consumed alcohol. And "on average, the participants overestimated the ages of the faces they saw –in line with previous research which reveals an overestimation of age by 2.5 years." This research group does plan to further their study.

-Shonneau Lippett (10)


At 5:50 PM, April 21, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is interesting and i'm not sure if this study actually affects final decisions on people who are accused of underage sex and blame it on alcohol. Does this excuse actually hold up in court? Are 240 people enough of a study to decide it's how all people drinking think? There are a lot of things left unanswered in this post and no link to read more about it?

Samantha DeBiasio

At 11:10 PM, April 21, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that this article only reiterates the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you find one type of person attractive, then being drunk shouldn't do much to change that. Obviously younger women would be considered more attractive, as they fit the image that pop culture has established better than older women do. This seems like too small of a study to draw such decisive results from. I have been under the influence before and I can say that it is very difficult to tell people's ages regardless of their sex. Good article though.

-Calin Darabus

At 11:50 PM, April 21, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that is to small a sample size to back up anything in court. Has anyone ever used alcohol as a reason for anything and ever gotten away with it? I think anyone who has been drunk will agree it impairs your judgment, so don't you think it can easily impair your ability to tell the difference in a 17 and 21 year old?

(you forgot your name)

Nick Cline

At 1:30 AM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It can sometimes be difficult to tell how old someone is even without alcohol impairing judgment - how big of a difference in age did the women whose pictures were used have? I agree that the test seems a little bit flawed.

Nicholas Skvir

At 8:33 AM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Electronic faces wouldn't have a big of an impact as the person actually being there. It's interesting how most of the participants found the minors to be more attractive. I know guys my age like to go after the young ones, but is there any real science behind that? or is it just the thrill of doing something they're not supposed to

-Katie Cyr

At 5:42 PM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting study. My problem with it, is that for a man to find a younger woman more attractive is one thing, but acting on it is another. Did the researchers ask the men if they would try to have sex with the women? I agree that you should be critical of these results, because there is no real way to get honest answers in a controlled study like this.

-Jane de Verges

At 6:38 PM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting article, and I do agree with you about 240 people is not enough to come to any solid conclusions. I also think that alcohol might not make people think younger people are older, but maybe they just don't care when they are drunk. Also, did it say how drunk the particapants actually were? There are different levels of drunk. There's a difference between buzzed and trashed.

-Alex Pavidapha

At 7:36 PM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice article. I agree with your personal opinion. Exeperiments like these need to be interpreted at a limited level and the results can not be applied to broader issues. Further studies with a larger sample size, and possibly in different countries needs to be done before applying the results to other topics, such as law.

-Julio Rodriguez.

At 8:15 PM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your personal opinion. I feel the sample size is not nearly large enough plus there are many other factors that might come into play. Perhaps the race, ethnicity, and nationality of the males may play a role in their judgment. Everyone grows up in different cultures and that could affect their perception of age. I think it would be interesting to test this. Has there been a study similar with testing men from different cultures?

-Maura Mulvey

At 9:24 PM, April 22, 2009, Blogger PWH said...

One thing about this study is depressing to me.. regardless of makeup or what not, males will always find young rather than old females attractive. Ugh!

~R. carlevale

At 10:45 PM, April 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to agree that this experiment seems kind of a bust. A sample size of 240 is hardly enough to make a general statement about something as controversial as alcohol judgment. Not to mention, individuals in the experiment were not actually out at bar, but instead looking at electronic pictures. It's widely known that alcohol impairs judgment, and the reasons for conducting this experiment, for other than confirmation of the above, seems like a waste of funding.

-Conor Stenerson

At 11:49 AM, April 23, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a really interesting study. I am very curious as to how this would actually hold up in court. I think they should expand the amount of people they did the study on and see if there are any outside links as well

Alyssa Terestre


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